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Why Your Help Alert System Should Call Contacts, Not 911

Why Your Help Alert System Should Call Contacts, Not 911 - SafeGuardian Medical Alarms & Help Alert Systems

At SafeGuardian, we’re always asked by customers, “why should I choose you over everyone else?” And from the outsider’s perspective, this is a fair questions. All of SafeGuardian’s help alert systems seemingly do the same thing as the competition — call our for help. 

But look through our products and you’ll notice one big difference — our devices don’t call out to 911.

Why is that? And why is that actually better than a run of the mill device that calls out to 911 and no one else?

Don’t get us wrong, for dire emergencies 911 is the first number to call. And we do offer a device that does just that. But that’s one device out of our entire lineup. 

Did you know that the majority of senior calls to emergency services are for non-emergency purposes? And if you’re a caregiver to a loved one, can you imagine the fear of pulling up to your loved one’s house and seeing an ambulance in the driveway, only to find out that they’re perfectly fine? Talk about an emotional rollercoaster.

So instead, SafeGuardian devices are designed to call out directly to a senior’s entire network of care — friends, family, neighbors, doctors, nurses, etc. — simultaneously at the press of a button.

And here’s why we believe that’s the better option:

Peace of Mind: As we mentioned, caregivers to senior loved ones are often balancing the care of their loved one with their own personal lives. With SafeGuardian’s help alert systems, they can leave home knowing that the moment anything happens with their loved one, they’ll get a text alert sent directly to their phone. Doesn’t that sound like a better option than getting a call from a doctor hours after an event?

Ambulances Aren’t Cheap: In some instances, ambulance costs can be over $1000 — even if you didn’t even need one in the first place. We hear horror stories from new customers all the time about having ambulances show up at their house, just to be stuck with a bill they didn’t even ask for. Instead, when a call is placed to caregivers, they can diagnose the situation and decide for themselves what the best course of action would be.

The Comfort of a Familiar Voice: Emergency situations can be stressful. But no one knows seniors better than their loved ones. And seniors can rest easy knowing they’ll always know who they’re talking to on the other end of the line. Plus, no one knows a senior’s regiment of care better than their own caregivers. In all situations, it’s better to hear a calming voice than a scary anonymous one.

SafeGuardian’s innovative line of help alert systems are the ONLY devices that are programmed to specifically call out to loved ones, not 911. To see our complete range of solutions, visit us at SafeGuardian.com, or call us at 800-378-2957.