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Forget the Landline, Help Alert Systems Can Be Used Anywhere Now

Forget the Landline, Help Alert Systems Can Be Used Anywhere Now - SafeGuardian Medical Alarms & Help Alert Systems

Do you have a landline?

Remember? Those phones that plug into a wall? That only work within your home? That are worthless to you once you leave your house? Do people even have those anymore?

Try to remember the time before cell phones again for a second. When you’re at your house, you can call anyone, anytime. But remember what would happen when you left your house and you needed to make an urgent call? It was a little sketchy, right? If it was a time-sensitive call, forget about it. 

Now imagine this: Your loved one that you care for has one of those help alert devices that plugs into a landline - assuming they even have a landline anymore. When they’re inside their house, they can use their button anytime. But what happens when they leave the house? What happens if they have an emergency? How will they call for help?

At SafeGuardian, we know this is no longer a world in which seniors sit in their home and wait by their phone. In fact, seniors today are the most active, independent generation we’ve ever seen. They don’t want to sit around in their house while someone does their grocery shopping or runs their errands for them. They want to do it themselves.

But that begs the question: How do you as their caregiver ensure they’re always safe when they’re out and about living their lives? 

That’s exactly why SafeGuardian created our innovative line of medical alarm pendants. We ripped those chords out of the wall and gave your loved one a mobile, 4G LTE pendant to take with them everywhere. They can go anywhere or do anything, and you’ll always know that they’re just a button press away. 

It’s how we’re making the lives of caregivers to seniors easier every day.

Are you a caregiver who’s ready to start looking for a suitable help alert device to assist you in caring for your loved one? Visit us at safeguardian.com or call us at 800-378-2957.