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Why Medical Alert Systems are Crucial in Winter Months

Why Medical Alert Systems are Crucial in Winter Months - SafeGuardian Medical Alarms & Help Alert Systems

The weather outside is frightful, as they say.

And this time of year, blizzards, ice storms, and just plain bad weather can pose an obstacle and a threat to senior safety.

For seniors living independently, that means navigating slick sidewalks, power outages, or in some cases being stuck at home for days.

We've heard from caregivers lately about how their SafeGuardian medical alert system provided them much needed peace of mind when the winter weather conditions prevented them from checking in with their senior loved ones in person. Thanks to our innovative technology, they were still able to ensure the safety of their loved ones, despite the blizzards and power outages. Here's how:

Real-time GPS: Every SafeGuardian medical alert system comes standard with real-time GPS. In severe weather when caregivers aren't able to reach their senior loved one in person, GPS can be life saving. Caregivers can request the real-time location of their loved one any time they'd like and as often as they'd like, providing crucial peace of mind.

Call in and chat: No other medical alert system can offer this unique feature. Did you know that you can also call into your loved one's medical alert device? When severe winter weather prevents you from seeing them face-to-face, you can still call into your loved one's device and talk to them directly. Are the landlines down? Is power out? Your loved one may not always be within reach of their phone, but they'll always have their medical alert system. And calling in and checking on their safety is a feature you won't find anywhere else.

Fall detection: Even the healthiest of us has slipped on a seemingly invisible patch of ice on the sidewalk. But for seniors, leaving the home during winter weather can be treacherous business. Rest assured, if or when your loved one falls, their SafeGuardian medical alert system will immediately detect the fall and alert you so that you can get help to them quickly.

For most, there's nothing better than the holiday season. But for some, the accompanying weather can be a nightmare. That's why SafeGuardian is here. We're dedicated to keeping you safe, no matter the holiday or weather. To see how SafeGuardian's line of medical alert systems can help your loved one stay safe, view our complete collection here, or call us at 800-378-2957.