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Features Series: Professional Monitoring Provides 24-Hour Peace of Mind

Features Series: Professional Monitoring Provides 24-Hour Peace of Mind - SafeGuardian Medical Alarms & Help Alert Systems

Sometimes caregivers need to know that highly-trained professionals are there to help loved ones anywhere, anytime. 

SafeGuardian's two US-based emergency monitoring centers are staffed 24/7 by friendly, highly-trained care dispatchers who are always available to provide immediate personal assistance. 

Family members are not always able to provide the 24/7 assistance that loved ones require. For that, let SafeGuardian's team of professionals take over.

With access to a subscriber's medical history, allergies, preferred hospital, emergency contacts, and much more, your loved one is in good hands.

We'll let the numbers speak for themselves:

  • 7.6: Seconds of average response time for medical alarms
  • 96: Percentage of alarms accessed under 30 seconds
  • 2.85: Average number of rings to answer calls
  • 50,000+ medical alarms processed every month
  • 5,000+ subscribers helped every month
  • 3,200+ EMS dispatches every month
  • 800+ subscribers transported every month
  • $2,500,000 technology and infrastructure investment
  • 17,000: Combined square footage of office space

Interested in adding this crucial protection to your device? Simply click the box to "Add Professional Monitoring" on any SafeGuardian product page before checkout. It's as simple as that!